Instruction on Application of Postdoctoral Co-funded Project


To postdoctoral co-advisors,

In March 2022, Tianjin started the annual application for Tianjin Co-funded Pilot Project under the China Postdoctoral International Exchange and Introduction Program (abbreviated as “Postdoctoral Co-funded Project”), with the purpose of attracting outstanding PhD graduates to join our university and conduct postdoctoral research. Detailed instructions on the application of the project are as follows:

I. Application Requirement

1. In general, applicants shall be under the age of 35. As for key disciplines supported by the university, the limitation on age can be eased to 38 years old.

2. Chinese graduates or foreign graduates obtaining their PhD overseas in recent 3 years shall meet one of the following conditions: (1) Graduate from the top 150 universities in the world or study the top 150 disciplines in the world. As for urgently-needed talents, such restriction would be loosened up; (2) For applicants from countries along the “Belt and Road”, the restriction can be eased to the top 3 universities in their own countries; (3) Chinese graduates or foreign graduates who have obtained a PhD in Germany with the formal recommendation of Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres shall not be subject to the aforesaid restrictions on the ranking of universities or disciplines.

3. PhD candidates who meet the above conditions can also applyif they could enter the postdoctoral station by the end of June 2023.

II. Expiration Date

The deadline for the application for the 2022 Postdoctoral Co-funded Project is August 15, 2022.

III. Funding Details

The funding period is 2 years, with RMB 200,000 provided by the national and Tianjin governments respectively. Together withthe postdoctoral salary of our university, the selected candidates could enjoy an annual salary of over RMB 400,000 (including the aforesaid funding).

Given the abundant quota of the project, applicants enjoy a high rate of being selected, and those who are selected would be cultivated as future teachers at our university.

For detailed policies, please contact

Ms. Dai (Email:, WeChat ID: 15822341732).

College of Pharmacy

August 6, 2022